Providence College Financial Planning Workshops for Faculty and Staff
(9 A.M. – 10 A.M.)
Identifying and Managing Investment Risks: Identifying the Sources of Investment Risks. Identifying which risks prudent investors avoid and which they embrace but manage. How to manage the risks you’ve chosen to bear.
(12 P.M. – 1 P.M.)
Retirement Income Planning: Managing your retirement investment planning strategy during retirement. Advantages and Disadvantages of various Retirement Income Planning Approaches. How the equity in your home and an annuitizing strategy could allow your income to last your lifetime, keep pace with inflation, and reduce risk.
(3 P.M. – 4 P.M.)
Social Security Retirement Benefits: How do they calculate my Retirement Benefits. How soon before retiring should I apply? Collecting Strategies from a financial planning perspective. What about spousal and widow(er)’s benefits? Will my benefits be taxed or reduced if I work or retire early?
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